Monday, March 19, 2012

Exercise & Caffeine Both Do Good Things to Muscle DNA

Here's some good news for coffee lovers, energy drink junkies, and exercise fanatics: caffeine and exercise seem to affect muscle DNA in similar ways. Researchers from the University of Barcelona have found that exercising for even just a few minutes causes rapid beneficial changes to muscle DNA. The incredible thing is that consuming caffeine appears to cause similar changes!

This is great news for those of us who like a little pick-me-up energy booster before our HIIT cardio sessions. The study focus on people who didn't workout regularly but experts believe the positive effects are seen in more fit people as well.

The bottom line: We already know caffeine has some big benefits for athletes and people who exercise regularly. So why not do both -- get in some intense exercise and drink some delicious caffeine -- almost every day?? :)

 Read more: Exercise and Caffeine Change Your DNA in the Same Way, Study Suggests

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